A d a m s A r c h i t e c t s
A l e x a n d r i a , V i r g i n i a

Architectural & Design Services
Historic Residential Design
Suburban Residential Design
New Residential Design
Contemporary Design
Small Commercial & Office Design
Institutional Design - Embassy, Church & Educational
Large Property Planning
Interior Design
Landscape Design
Real Estate Staging
Art Consulting
Professional Affiliations
Alexandria Board of Architectural Review 2016-Present
Preservation Roundtable, The National Preservation Institute
American Institute of Architects
National Trust ior Historic Preservation
Southern Garden Historic Society
Northern Virginia Fine Arts Commission, The Athenaeum Past President
Baltimore Museum of Art, Committee member
Evergreen Museum & Library, Advisory Council
Washington Decorative Arts Forum
Woodlawn Plantation Advisory Board
The Cosmos Club
1981 AIA First Award, Restoration of Library of Congress Jefferson Building, Robert Adams Project Leader
ASID Award for combining 3 units in a historic industrial building, Alexandria, Virginia
2005 Monument Award for single family residence, Upperville, VA
2005 National Park Service "Saving American Treasures" grant for the Athenaeum, Alexandria, VA
2004 Alexandria Beautification Award for 510 South Fairfax
2005 ASID Honorable Mention for Residence under 3500 sq ft, Braun Jones Residence, Alexandria, VA
2005 Baltimore AIA Merit Award, Comment Residence
2014 NARI Coty Award "over $1 Million category'
Historic Garden Week Tours
2016 Foster Residence 207 South. Fairfax
2015 Rhame Residence 506 South. Fairfax
2014 Hopper Residence 206 Duke
2014 Garcia Residence 210 Duke
2014 Valko Residence 317 South Lee
2012 Jankowski Residence 215 Jefferson
2010 Patterson Residence 201 Duke
2009 Adams Residence 510 South Fairfax
2009 Schulman Residence 513 S. Fairfax
2009 Moore Residence 207 Duke
2008 Garcia Residence 210 Duke
2008 Holt Residence 217 South Fairfax
2007 Smulyan Residence 212 South Lee
2006 Winburn Residence 417 Prince
2006 Augusti Residence 213 South Lee
2006 Rhame Residence 508 South Fairfax
2004 Mason Residence 213 North Fairfax
2002 Bader Residence 217 Gibbon
2002 Hopper Residence 206 Duke
Media & Publications
Coming Soon!
Residential Projects
“The best of the past is beautifully present in this superbly renovated old house in Alexandria, Virginia."
Traditional Home
"In this Washington, DC suburb, an artfully restored home pays tribute to it's past."
Southern Living
"Anyone taking this year's Historic Alexandria Homes Tour is in for a most unusual visit - one that will give them the opportunity to witness historic preservation as a concept practiced in reality."
Alexandria Gazette
Office / Mobile
510 South Fairfax Street
Alexandria, Virginia